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Have you considered becoming a yoga teacher? If you answered yes, then you’ve probably also considered the different types of yoga teacher trainings (often referred to as YTT) out there.
With how popular yoga is these days, there are a wide variety of training options that vary in length, focus, location, teachers, and more.
The newest emerging YTT trend? Online yoga teacher training.
Yes, you heard right. Yoga teacher training . . . that’s online. For some, this is probably thrilling news. For others, this might sound strange – can you actually do a yoga teacher training entirely online?
My Joy Yoga says you most certainly can.
So what does an online yoga teacher training entail? What are the benefits and what are the drawbacks? Is this really a sustainable way to get your yoga teacher certification?

Let’s Delve a Bit Deeper Into This Online Yoga Teacher Training

My Joy Yoga offers individual training course modules or a full 200-hr online certification.
The 200-hr training is broken into five modules that are self-paced.
The 200-hr modules are: anatomy, asana, meditation + pranayama, philosophy + history, and teaching yoga. Once you start this program, you gain access to the video content (with a total of 75 videos) along with a teacher training manual. You can access the videos throughout your entire training, and the training manual is yours to keep.
You’ll be given quizzes along the way and the training ends with a video demo of you teaching a 15-minute yoga sequence to a student.
The individual training courses are an a la carte selection of any of the modules from the full 200-hr program.
These individual training courses are geared towards anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge and understanding, anyone who isn’t ready to commit to a full 200-hr training, or teachers that want to continue their education (note these have not been approved by Yoga Alliance as CE credits).

Details You Should Know About My Joy Yoga Online Teacher Training

This online yoga teacher training is not registered with Yoga Alliance, because Yoga Alliance does not accredit online trainings. Some people strongly believe in the necessity of being accredited through Yoga Alliance, while others don’t deem it necessary. Ultimately this decision is up to the individual.
While the courses are self-paced, students do have access to a team of teachers if they have any questions throughout the course. And while the courses can be completed on the individual’s own time, the 200-hr must be completed within one year. However, if a student needs additional time, they can email to request an extension.
Finally, there are helpful suggested reads and books for the full 200-hr training, which are listed on the website for students to use as supporting texts throughout the course. If you’re interested in learning more about this online teaching training, you can check out their FAQ page.

What Are the Benefits of Online Yoga Teacher Training?

For many, time and scheduling are big roadblocks in getting certified. Traditional yoga teacher trainings can be time consuming, whether you choose a three or four month program or opt for a two-week intensive.
Many trainings require full days at a time in the studio or training facility, and for many people that’s simply not possible with their schedules. That’s when taking a yoga teacher training program online could be really helpful for those who need a more flexible program.
Another perk of My Joy Yoga in particular is the self-paced program. A self-paced program allows each individual to work at the pace that works best for their learning style as well as their schedule.
Cost is also a factor for many people interested in getting yoga certified. The majority of teacher trainings cost over $2,000 and My Joy Yoga is more affordable at $1,495 for the 200-hour, or $399-$599 for each individual module.
Finally, having continued access to the video content is a great opportunity to get a refresher on the information anytime throughout the training. This allows students to continue revisiting, and thereby deepening, their knowledge and understanding.

What Are the Drawbacks of Online Yoga Teacher Training?

For many people, having that in-person interaction with their teachers and peers is an important aspect of teacher training. Yoga teacher training programs are where lasting bonds are created, and many people want that face-to-face experience.
Many people learn best by hands-on application and while students in an online program still have the opportunity to practice, there are certain learners that benefit from an in-person approach to teaching and learning.
Another consideration is the student’s ability to self-motivate and stay on task. While a self-paced program can be a godsend for some, it could also be detrimental for those who work best with deadlines, due dates, and being held accountable.

So – Is Online Yoga Teacher Training a Plausible Way to Get Yoga Certified?

Ultimately, the answer is based on the individual. For some, having the ability to complete a yoga teacher training online may be the only realistic way to get certified. Others may choose to get certified online for the convenience factor since it’s easier to fit the certification into their schedules.
For others, an online yoga teacher training might not sound very appealing. They may prefer the face-to-face interaction and sense of community. Some people learn better with a more hands-on approach and would thereby benefit more from an in-person teacher training.
As with any important decision, it’s important to weigh your options, do your research, compare programs – from their focus, teachers, discipline, duration, cost, location, etc – and arrive at an informed decision that you feel good about.
And most of all, no matter which type of yoga teacher training you choose, buckle up and prepare for the ride of your life! Because once you embark on this magical journey, your life will never be the same. And that’s a wonderful thing. Namaste, yogis!

The post Can You Do Yoga Teacher Training Online? This Company Says Yes You Can appeared first on YogiApproved™.

from YogiApproved™

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