Your yoga practice – from physical poses to pranayama – offers a structured way to center your thoughts. Yoga helps you feel present, grounded, clear and in control. Thus, your yoga practice can bring clarity and empowerment so you can let go of your past.
You can use yoga to clear your mind. This is the first step in letting go of the past and moving on so you can live in the present moment and thrive!
A solid yoga practice helps us access our intentions and look deeper into our thoughts and emotions in a positive way. By separating us from mundane activities and the incessant thoughts of day-to-day life, our yoga practice creates a space to focus on ourselves, find peace, and clear our minds.
A solid yoga practice helps us access our intentions and look deeper into our thoughts and emotions in a positive way.
We can all benefit from cleansing the past and clearing our minds – this helps us get grounded and clear about our intentions, goals, and where we are in our lives.
There are certain yoga poses and pranayama breathing techniques that specifically help us let go, get grounded, and cultivate a clear mind.
Here Are 4 Yoga Practices to Clear Your Mind and Let Go of the Past:
These are some of our favorite yoga practices for letting go of the past and clear your mind so you can approach the future with enthusiasm and a strong sense of purpose.
1. 108 Sun Salutations
A Sun Salutation is a specific flow of movements synced with breath typically practiced in Vinyasa Yoga classes. Often strung together, Sun Salutations signify new beginnings and letting go of the past.
Continuous movement often brings renewed energy, a feeling of empowerment, and a clear mind. Working through the emotions that come with physical effort can be really cathartic. So, needless to say, Sun Salutations are a perfect staple in your yoga practice (especially for letting go)!
Sun Salutations signify new beginnings and a cleansing of the past.
To let go of the past as you clear your mind and focus on the present moment, aim to complete 108 Sun Salutations. Focus on your breath and intentions, and imagine your life as though you’ve already reached your goals.
Why 108? Learn more about the number’s significance! The Meaning of 108 Sun Salutations + What Practicing Them Will Teach You
If you’re unable to complete 108, that’s okay! The goal is to push through negative emotions that pop up with the physical effort and focus on what’s in your heart.
Take your time and slowly work towards the full 108. If you can only do five rounds today, that’s great! Try for six tomorrow and build on your own time, and on your own terms.
Take this FREE Sun Salutation flow class
2. Breath of Fire
Breath of Fire is a form of controlled breathing that involves forceful inhales and exhales that build heat in the body.
Breath of Fire is a powerful way to bring clean air into your lungs. This symbolizes a fresh start, and can help you release any negative energy from the past! Plus, this form of pranayama cultivates a seriously clear mind.
It stimulates the nervous and respiratory systems as well as the Second and Third Chakras. And, thus, offers you a clear mindset focused on growth and optimism.
Try practicing Breath of Fire for one minute every day for one week as part of your yoga practice. (It’s even better when paired with a meditation session!)
3. Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation often referred to as “yogic sleep.” This is amazing form of yoga to clear your mind.
Yoga Nidra can have a powerful impact on your state of mind because of its strong focus releasing worries or anything you’re holding on to.
The practice of Yoga Nidra teaches the brain the importance of relaxation by clearing the mind. It provides a wonderful dose of peace as you let go of the past and stay focused on the present.
Try this 45-minute guided Yoga Nidra practice to cleanse the past and begin the new year feeling refreshed.
4. Alternate Nostril Breathing
Often touted as a stress-relief technique, Alternate Nostril Breathing, or Nadi Shodhana, is a form of focused, controlled breathwork.
It brings extra oxygen to the brain, similar to Breath of Fire. But, because you’re literally alternating breathing through each nostril (while covering the other), this technique encourages balance between your mental, physical, and emotional states.
With this balance comes a decrease in stress and a stronger connection between your mind and body. Try it as for as long as you need to feel refreshed and calm. Add a few minutes of normal breathing at the end.
You will feel grounded, calm, present, and clear. Nadi Shodhana is an incredible form of pranayama for letting go and clearing your mind.
Your Yoga Practice Is Adjustable to Your Needs!
Each of these yoga practices are effective any time you feel you need to cleanse the past or renew your focus on what’s important.
The beauty of a yoga practice is that you can do it once a year, once a week, every day, or at whatever interval suits you! These practices are also accessible essentially anywhere, anytime, making them perfect for even the busiest person.
You’ll know your chosen yoga practice is serving you if you feel a sense of lightness, fulfillment, or clarity upon completion. Cheers to a clear mind and positive outlook!
What’s your favorite form of yoga for clearing your mind and letting go? Comment below and share with us – we love hearing from you!
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from YogiApproved™
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